Jahas, tällainen löytyi "jostain"...
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense.
Will it be ok? Still
How are you feeling today? Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own
How do your friends see you? Roll With It
Will you get married? Stay
What is your best friend’s theme song? I Me Mine
What is the story of your life? Beat It
What was high school like? Hello, Goodbye
How can you get ahead in life? Mudslide
What is the best thing about your friends? Wonderwall
What is today going to be like? Total Ringo
What is in store for this weekend? I Just Came To Tell You That I'm Going
What song describes you? The Rolling People
To describe your grandparents? Pencil Skirt
How is your life going? In The Round
What song will they play at your funeral? I Don't Feel Like Dancing
How does the world see you? Shame & Scandal
Will you have a happy life? Where The White Boys Dance
What do your friends really think of you? Look Inside America
Do people secretly lust after you? Fade Away
How can I make myself happy? Intro
What should you do with your life? The Night That Minnie Timperley Died
Will you ever have children? Times
Okei, ei tässä näyttänyt olevan mitään järkeä. Pari hauskaa juttua kyllä, esim. tämä päivä oli kyllä todellakin "Total Ringo" (Happy Mondaysin biisi) ja high school oli aika "Hello, Goodbye" (The Beatles). Usein biiseillä on niin tylsiä nimiä, esim. "Stay" tai "Intro", etteivät ne oikein kerro mitään. "I Don't Feel Like Dancing" olisi hautajaisissa melko mustaa huumoria, ha ha.
2 kommenttia:
Noi on muuten tavallaan vähän osuvampia, jos siirtää aina vastausta yhdellä taaksepäin..
Hauskaa. Pitääpäs kokeilla.
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